“It was a really hard character to make,” Parrott said. “When daylight or temperatures are not right, you do not see it.” Sometimes the clay gets too excited. I found six, seven and even eight-leaf clover.
While genetics can be difficult and irregular when it comes to making your own fortune, I never doubted the genetic tendency to be able to see the fleeting claws.
I saw my kids stop in the middle of the track and pick them up from the baseball field or the football field – to the grief of some coaches.
Even though I always thought it was something of an art to locate multifoliate clay, it turns out that there is some science to hunting.
The white line in the four-leaf clover tends to have a box or rectangular shape, compared to a standard three-leaf clover which is more triangular. I never had much luck aiming for this pattern. I’m beginning to believe that my eyes have to constantly scan, so I’m more fortunate than most.
I have told others that taking the hand and swiping over a piece of cloth is helpful in the search. Sometimes different leaf clover springs from a healthier stem.
Can we raise them? Gene-editing technology has opened the door to all kinds of advances in the cultural sciences. But Pennetti makes the point that while four-leaf clover is possible with the use of new genetic tools, he is not in a hurry to do so.
I agree. The surprise of finding a four-leaf clover still feels like a gift and special – whether you believe they are happy or not.
Have you ever found a four-leaf soybean? Here are some thoughts on why this might happen:
Pamela Smith can be reached at pamela.smith@dtn.com
Follow her on Twitter @PamSmith DTN
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