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Cybersecurity: more important than ever – News 24

Today, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Facing recent events and invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces, numerous cyberattacks have been intercepted in Ukraine, and numerous governments claim that these attacks were launched by Russian hackers by others, including those deployed economic sanctions against Russia. It is therefore essential today to recall the basic advice on cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity: An increase in attacks

These last months, the number of cyberattacks has increased, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, and more recent use by Russian networks in a particularly tense geopolitical situation. In the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, the country has been particularly affected by a cyberattack involving inaccessible banking sites as well as the Foreign Affairs site.

For such actions, two types of attacks can be used by hackers, the Attacks by Deny of Distributed Service (DDoS) and wiper attacks, all the more redoubted. The premieres are for the purpose of rendering inaccessible web sites visited in the saturation of requests, well that the state of the site and its accessibility return to the normal of the arrest of those cells. In the case of wiper attacks, the contents of the computers targeted will be totally affected in this case, before the device is blocked. Thousands of computer controllers may be concerned, and repairs may require several weeks of work for affected organizations.

Currently, these types of attacks affect Ukraine as well as some neighboring countries, including Slovakia and Latvia, as well as the repercussions of cyberattacks against Ukraine. In the future, other countries may be affected by this type of attack, although no information has been reported at this time.

How to improve protection in the face of cyberattacks?

In France, different regulations impose cybersecurity rules on the most sensitive organizations and structures, with the presence of staff 24h / 24 in order to respond more quickly in case of attacks. On the side of individuals, different cybersecurity councils can also be applied in order to effectively improve its protection against the risk of cyberattacks.

1. Utilizing the Mots of Passing Complexes

One of the simplest tips to put in place to allow you to improve your face protection against cyberattacks, is the use of complex passwords, which use the necessary password to connect to your router, as well as passwords used on the Internet. Each step should be unique, and if possible, you should be able to change it regularly. Your passports must be long and include at least one number, a capital letter, a punctuation mark or a special character, for a minimum of 12 letters.

You can also choose to install a system that protects and masks your Internet travel, all while allowing you to access a maximum of content. Most VPN providers offer many servers around the world, so you can choose to connect to a VPN server in Canada or in any other country.see here).

2. Vigilance accrues during the installation of software and the sharing of personal information

You will also need to be particularly vigilant during the installation of a software or application. These software can actually hide malware, which infects your device from their installation, can allow cybercriminals to take control of your phone or computer or obtain sensitive information, including on-line parking.

Also pay attention to phishing attacks, avoid clicking on the links sent by email when the message is urgent. In this case, if the address of one of your proxies or colleagues is used, please contact us to ensure that the request is justified. In order to limit the effectiveness of this type of attack, you also need to limit the information you share online, in particular on social networks. This information could be used by your computer pirates.

3. Do not forget to update your measurements

Another very important point to improve your protection, it is highly recommended to realize the goals of your devices, software and applications when they are proposed to you. You can also correct the weaknesses of previous versions of the systems, for a strengthened barrier of protection. Install the updates that are available! This verifies that these are official updates.

4. Improve your knowledge of cyberattacks

Finally, in order to prove maximum vigilance regarding cyberattacks, one must first know what to expect, and in what consistency the principal attacks are carried out in practice. To prepare you and protect you effectively, do your research, and keep up to date with the latest news and development of attack techniques. Vigilance and information remain your best allies in terms of protection.