PepsiCo and N-Drip have announced a partnership to help farmers around the world adapt game-changing technology and water efficiency across 25,000 acres by 2025.
Around the world, a myriad of farmers are conducting flood or trench irrigation to bring water to their harvest, flooding the field at regular intervals, losing up to 70 percent of the water used. This technique is still used on 85 percent of all irrigated fields worldwide, about 600 million hectares, even in water-scarce places. However, alternatives to flood irrigation are too expensive for many farmers to use and prohibit these farmers from selling their low margin crops at a profit.
A replacement for flood or trench irrigation, the Israeli headquarters N-Drip’s highly efficient irrigation system is powered by gravity and takes advantage of the water-saving benefits of high-pressure drip irrigation, but with low energy, operation and maintenance requirements – making it more accessible to all types of farmers and almost all kinds of crops. Farmers who use N-drip routinely achieve significant water savings, see greater crop production and reduce the need for expensive fertilizers. Furthermore, by converting it from flood irrigation into the N-Drip drip irrigation system, carbon (CO2) emissions can be reduced by as much as 83% and methane emissions by as much as 78%.
“We are excited to partner with PepsiCo with the goal of removing barriers to entry, introducing and implementing N-Drip to farmers around the world,” said Eran Pollak, Chief Executive Officer of N-Drip. “As PepsiCo harvests farms of all types and sizes, N-Drip’s proprietary technology allows our partnership to provide accurate irrigation to all types of farmers, from those with massive farms to those with one acre plot.”
As a global beverage and practical food company, PepsiCo sources over 25 cultures in 60 countries and is an active leader in the scaling and adoption of regenerative agricultural practices under its Pep + (PepsiCo Positive) transformation. With its reach and network of farmers across its agricultural footprint, PepsiCo aims to scale N-Drip technology to improve farming life with higher payouts, reduced water consumption and reduced CO2 emissions. This effort will contribute to PepsiCo’s pep + positive agriculture goals to improve the direct agricultural supply chain’s water use efficiency by 15% by 2025 (against a 2015 baseline) in areas with high water risk, regenerative farming practices over 7 million hectares of arable land, and ‘arable land’. Food of more than 250,000 people in its agricultural supply chain.
“To date, we have implemented N-Drip technology with farmers in India, Vietnam and the United States, and seen improved crop yields, reduced fertilizer consumption, and 50% less water consumption compared to flood irrigation,” said Rob Meyers, VP. , Sustainable Agriculture, PepsiCo. “We are excited to continue to grow our partnership by scaling up N-Drip technology to make an even greater impact on our agricultural footprint.”
The partnership was adopted by PepsiCo Labs, PepsiCo’s technology venturing arm, which works to identify and integrate breakthrough technology start-ups into PepsiCo operations to solve complex, real-world problems and business goals on a global scale. to reach.
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