Home » Economy » Most who know about cryptocurrency see it as a risky investment

Most who know about cryptocurrency see it as a risky investment

Cryptocurrency has captured the consciousness of most Americans these days, even though most are unwilling to invest in it themselves. Most Americans have at least heard of cryptocurrency, but most also see cryptocurrency as a risky investment, including most of those who have used it.

Although two out of three Americans have heard of cryptocurrency, only one in five say they know much about it. Even less, only 18% say they have used or invested in cryptocurrency themselves.

Few Americans who have heard of cryptocurrency believe that investing in it is safe, and this is true both for those who say they have heard a lot about it and for those who have used or invested it themselves. Only 31% who have used or invested in cryptocurrency say it is safe.

Investing and using cryptocurrency is not just an activity for the rich. While those at the lower end of the income scale are less likely to have invested in cryptocurrency than other Americans, there is little difference in the level of income between those earning more than $ 50,000. the year. Between one in four and one in five Americans who earn above this level have invested or used cryptocurrency.

However, some Americans have been more inclined to invest in cryptocurrency than others. In general, men are more than twice as likely as women to invest in cryptocurrency, and younger Americans, under the age of 45, are much more likely to have invested or used cryptocurrency than Americans. bigger. This is true at all income levels.

This CBS News / YouGov poll was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 1,980 U.S. adult residents interviewed between January 27 and 31, 2022. The sample was weighted by gender, age, race. and education according to the U.S. Census of the U.S. Census and the Current Population Survey, as well as the 2020 presidential vote. The margin of error is ± 2.6 points.

