Home » Economy » Higher gas prices a factor for those considering a hybrid or electric car – CBS News poll

Higher gas prices a factor for those considering a hybrid or electric car – CBS News poll

About a third of American adults would consider an electric car (a little more would think of a hybrid) if they were in the market for a vehicle, citing higher gasoline prices as one of the main reasons why, along with the belief that these vehicles are cleaner for the environment. Another quarter says they might consider buying an electric car.

But in general, higher gasoline prices have not led more people to consider an electric car than a gasoline one. Even among those who cite gas prices as the reason they feel the national economy is in a bad state, they would rather buy a gas car than a hybrid or electric one.

There may be some practical reasons why people do not consider an electric car. In previous CBS News polls, cost was the main reason given by those who would not consider buying a.

Opinions on energy policy indicate whether or not people would consider an electric vehicle. Those who believe that U.S. policy should encourage electricity from solar and wind sources, rather than coal or oil, are especially likely to consider an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Americans who would prefer the U.S. to have policies that promote energy from oil or coal (or believe that the U.S. would not favor any source or otherwise) are much less likely to consider an electric vehicle or hybrid.

Supporters have long held differing views on how the US should deal with climate change and environmental issues. Democrats, who see climate change as an urgent issue, are much more likely than Republicans, who don’t see it as urgent, to say they would consider buying an electric car.

This CBS News / YouGov survey was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,062 adult US residents interviewed between April 5 and 8, 2022. The sample was weighted by gender, age, gender. race and education according to the U.S. Census Survey of the U.S. Census and Current Population Survey, as well as the 2020 presidential vote. The margin of error is ± 2.8 points.

Main lines:


  • Climate change
  • Opinion poll
  • Gas prices
  • Electric cars
