The GOP race for delegates means that the approach to winning the nomination is different from what it has been for decades. A sign of this: the personal attention of the candidates. Ted Cruz will address the Colorado State GOP Convention on Saturday, as well as the Republican Jewish Coalition. John Kasich sends John Sununu, a former U.S. senator, as his replacement; and Donald Trump had also scheduled an appearance this week, but changed course when it became clear that his campaign would not win many delegates, having been largely overtaken by Cruz.
The Texas senator has built a solid organization in the state, based on a network of volunteers. His team has been campaigning aggressively in caucuses in its seven congressional districts.
Trump has only a few people on the ground in Colorado who will go through the process, reports CBS News’ chief White House correspondent, Major Garrett. The delegate selection game began months before Trump was a candidate, so Trump’s ground forces are not well organized. “We’re a day late and a dollar short,” said Barry Bennett, a Trump adviser. “We don’t have high expectations in Colorado.”
Trump is not expected to accumulate many delegates in Colorado, according to Becky Mizel, who is running for Trump delegate. He told CBS News that many of the people who participated on Friday were supporters of Cruz.
“For us, a lot of people here today are people from Cruz, there’s no doubt about it. There are a lot of people from Trump here, and they’re very happy that we have some kind of presentation for Mr. Trump here. There is no need to do anything, but I wanted the people of Trump to have some kind of support today and tomorrow, “Mizel said. “To be honest, I’m not even sure we’ll take any delegates, we’re hoping there are no delegates here.”
The list of Colorado Republican delegates is expected to end Saturday at the state party convention in Colorado Springs.
The state will send a total of 37 delegates to the Republican National Convention this July, and unlike most states, their selection is not the result of a regular primary or caucus.
Colorado chose not to hold caucuses, and as a result, delegates will have been selected through a series of county elections the state has held over the past week.
Congressional districts elect 21 delegates and alternates, and the state convention selects 13 delegates and alternates. The three remaining uncommitted delegates are the national committee, the wife of the national committee and the chairman of the state party.
That blackboard could be key if Republicans face a convention in Cleveland. Delegates could present themselves committed to supporting a particular candidate or they could present themselves without commitment. Those who have agreed to support are only required to vote for this contestant in the first ballot. After that, they can vote for whoever they want.
At Saturday’s state convention, 600 people will compete for the 13 open seats. According to The Denver Post, Cruz has picked up nine delegates who have formally pledged support or suggested that they do so. One candidate will have to win 19 delegates to claim victory in Colorado, according to the report.
The last CBS News delegate count has Trump with 743 delegates, Cruz has 506 and Kasich has 143.
Alan He of CBS News contributed to this report.
- In:
- colorado
- Joan Kasich
- Ted Cruz
- Donald Trump
- Republican Party
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