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Results delays hit 20,500 students this summer

More than 20,500 students received their professional qualification results at the end of this year, according to the English Examination Board.

Ofqual launched a review after many had to wait in August for BTec, Cambridge National and Cambridge Technical degrees issued by Pearson and Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR).

Some told BBC News it had put their university places in question.

Pearson and OCR have apologized for the delays.

Ofqual said it will now set a deadline for organizations to issue grades for Vocational Skills Qualifications (VTQs).

This year’s were due on:

  • 18 August for BTec Level 3s and Cambridge Technical Level 2s and 3s, alongside A Levels, AS Levels and T Levels
  • August 25 for BTec Level 2s and Cambridge Nationals, alongside GCSEs

But Ofqual said students at 1,550 schools saw delayed results at:

  • 12,346 level 3s
  • 8,573 level 2

Emma Harrison, 18, told BBC News waiting for her BTec Level 3 Health and Social Care result had been “frustrating”.

She spent a week wondering if she could take her place on a mental health course at the University of Worcester.

Now happy at university, she wants an explanation.

“Results Day is one of those things where there should be a big celebration because everyone has their results,” she said.

“I felt really, really left out.”

Ofqual said it will set up a task force that will meet throughout the year.

Schools and colleges need better support and a senior staff member who could be the point of contact for awarding organizations.

The supreme supervisory authority, Dr. Jo Saxton said the delays were “unacceptable” and the “action plan … a step towards equal treatment” between students completing VTQs and those pursuing other qualifications such as a high school diploma.

Ofqual’s findings on the causes of the delays will be published in 2023.

Pearson and OCR have published their own reviews.

A Pearson spokeswoman said: “It was unacceptable that some students did not receive their results when they expected them this summer and we apologize for Pearson’s role in that.”

Pearson is part of the new task force and will work on improvements, she added.

OCR chief executive Jill Duffy said it’s “vital that we learn, improve and do what we can to prevent it from happening again”.

“I know firsthand from the calls I’ve had with students, parents and teachers this summer that delays in the delivery of some Cambridge Technicals results have caused added stress and anxiety at an already challenging time,” she said.

“I’m really sorry.”

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