Through play, children learn to navigate the world, build relationships, manage their emotions, and deal with stressful situations.
There aren’t many experiences more distressing than being sick and being treated in the hospital, but many don’t offer much gameplay despite this being a government requirement.
Why is it so important?
Like many six-year-olds, Afonso focuses on building a toy train. Unlike many of his peers, he’s trying to build it in a hospital.
When he was three, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a treatable cancer that requires hospital visits for treatments like chemotherapy, as well as many blood tests.
“I remember the first phase of treatment, which was horrific,” recalls his mother, Susana Casanova.
When he was inserted his first cannula – a tube that administers treatments – Susana recalls him holding it as he told her, “Mom, how can you let them hurt me so much?”
Now, a few years and many treatments later, he is unimpressed.
“He’s not traumatized by the word ‘hospital,’ or doctors or nurses, or procedures, or spinal taps. He’s not afraid of that,” says Susana. “Last year at school he did a show telling how he got into an ambulance.”
She believes the difference is down to game specialists, experts who entertain and play with Afonso to help with his treatments.
“The play is really amazing and makes kids forget they are in the hospital; the playmates bring children into their natural environment,” says Susana.
Julie Morris, one of Afonso’s “playmates” at Kingston Hospital in south-west London, says it’s about “creating an environment for children that isn’t clinical”.
“They (kids) often ask that one of us be with them when they have a scan or a blood test. It gives them a little more reassurance to have someone with them.
“Sometimes they even look forward to coming over and playing in the playroom, which is nice.
“We can distract them if they have procedures, we can explain the procedures to them – we’re with them all the time.”
For Afonso’s mother, the specialists were not only there for her son, but also for her.
“Twenty-four hours in the hospital is too intense,” she says.
“They were always super protective, providing the coffee when I needed it and playing with it so I could shower to keep going.
“They come and help us in any way they can to make them feel happy and that’s the most important thing we want, to see our son happy and to take care of him.”
A mother who recently spent more than 20 hours with her one-year-old in the emergency room described it as a really tough experience with no play facilities available.
“When kids come into the hospital, they’re traumatized, they’re scared, they’re anxious, and play is a natural choice for kids to feel in control again,” says Cathy Gilman, executive director of the Starlight Children’s Foundation, a charity that supports provides toys to hospitals.
“It’s so important that a child isn’t lonely or bored in the hospital because it’s a dangerous place for your mind and imagination to run wild.”
Play specialists can also help children process difficult emotions.
Children tend to “jump on puddles” with their emotions — one minute they can be very sad, the next they’re singing and dancing — says play therapist Donna Ellis.
This can be difficult for children, especially when they think their actions affect their parents.
“They are very influenced by the mood and atmosphere around them,” she says.
“When children start thinking they can’t talk about things or realize it upsets adults, they can learn that they need to adjust their own behavior.
“As adults, we’re pretty guilty when we talk kids out of emotional states. When they’re upset, we say ‘Oh, chin up, never mind’ or ‘It’s okay’.
“Feelings come and go. When you talk to kids about how feelings are like waves, and the wave comes, it feels a little bit bumpy, or a little bit scary, or a little bit rocky, but the seas move.”
One of the benefits of having a play specialist or therapist on hand is that they don’t have the same emotional involvement with a child that the parents do.
“Although I am emotionally connected to them, they are not my children, so we can have difficult conversations, children can tell me things,” adds Ms. Ellis.
It is a service not available to every child.
According to the National Association of Healthcare Specialists, 80% of hospitals say their gaming services are limited.
Many have not regained the service they provided before the pandemic, as play areas were closed for infection control and play specialists were redeployed.
But even before the pandemic, access to gaming support was far from universal, according to Ms Gilman, who says 80% of hospitals that use Starlight’s services don’t have a budget for gaming, and from those that do are it less than £500 a year.
In 2004, the government’s national framework for child, youth and maternity services stipulated that gaming services must be available in all hospital settings, citing research showing that gaming “accelerated recovery and reduced the need for interventions while under general anesthesia.” “.
In a statement, the NHS said it recognizes the importance of children’s play services and is working closely with the Starlight Children’s Foundation to increase their availability.
“We have launched a new task force and will be producing guidance for local areas to help them improve access to these services and improve the quality of these services in line with NICE guidelines across all hospitals in England,” she added added.
One service Starlight offers is boxes of toys and other items for children to play with. Each costs around £100 and can support 60 children.
The charity is also running a Christmas appeal called Play Loneliness Away to raise £400,000 to ensure children have access to toys and technology such as computer consoles.
Despite tight NHS budgets, gaming can help treatments run more smoothly, helping nurses and saving money in the long run, says Ms Gilman.
“When a child is less stressed, they can be treated more easily, so preparation through play, distraction during treatment and if bored afterwards is really important.”
Claire Russell, Early Years Expert and Founder of PlayHOORAY!
Play can provide amazing insight into how your child thinks and feels. Very often, when a child is processing complex emotional issues, it can show up in their play.
For example, if a child hears adults arguing, they can recreate that conflict with their teddies.
Imaginative play can help prepare children for the unknown while reducing worries and fears.
As children get older, their play changes, so it’s all about finding new ways to “play”.
Dancing or singing loudly can also be considered a game. Research shows that these activities get endorphins going, which can actually reduce stress and be a factor in fighting off anxiety and depression.
It’s important for people to know that they don’t need to spend money on toys or equipment to entertain a child – I promise you can have just as much fun with everyday things around the house.
Spending time and being silly with your child, regardless of their age, will remind them that they are valued and loved, and laughing together is wonderful medicine.
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