The average price of a home is rising in U.S. cities, with places like Phoenix, Tampa and Miami experiencing a particularly strong jump.
Home prices in 20 major cities rose 19% in January from a year ago, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index. Residential real estate costs have continued to rise due to the shortage of housing in the market and the accumulated demand from buyers, as COVID-19[feminine afluixa el control dels EUA
Augment dels preus de l’habitatge i augmentant les taxes hipotecàries diuen els experts.
“Els preus dels habitatges es mantenen a prop dels màxims històrics, cosa que està afectant l’assequibilitat”, va dir en un informe Rubeela Farooqi, economista en cap dels EUA d’High Frequency Economics. “En general, la manca d’oferta que està augmentant els preus segueix sent un vent contrari per a la venda d’habitatges”.
- L’augment de les taxes hipotecàries està cobrant milions de preus per comprar una casa
- Les taxes hipotecàries salten per sobre del 4%, fet que fa que els prestataris tornin a un element bàsic de la bombolla immobiliària
A Phoenix, Arizona, els preus de les cases van augmentar gairebé un 33% entre gener de 2021 i gener de 2022, segons les dades de Case-Shiller. El preu mitjà d’una casa a l’estat és ara més de 400.000 dòlars. Els preus a Tampa, Florida, van augmentar gairebé un 31% durant aquest període, mentre que a Miami van augmentar un 28. La casa mitjana a Tampa i Miami ara costa més de 375.000 i 480.000 dòlars, respectivament, segons Zillow.
Altres ciutats que veuen un augment significatiu dels preus dels habitatges inclouen San Diego, Califòrnia (27%); Charlotte, Carolina del Nord (24%); i Atlanta, Geòrgia (22%), segons Case-Shiller.
The rapid rise in house prices during the Coronavirus pandemic has pushed the dream of owning a home beyond the means of many middle-class Americans, who have to compete against higher-income investors and buyers.
Home loans are also becoming more expensive as the Federal Reserve begins to do so increase your short-term interest rate. The average rate for a 15-year mortgage has risen to 3.8% and 4.5% for a 30-year mortgage, according to Bankrate. This means higher monthly payments for a new home.
Some analysts expect mortgage rates to continue to rise. “With long-term Treasury yields rising, mortgage rates will rise even more in the short term,” Tan Kai Xian, a U.S. analyst at Gavekal Research, said in a report.
Meanwhile, as mortgage rates rise, there are more buyers adjustable rate mortgages – one of the financial culprits of the 2006 housing crisis.
What to look for when buying a home
According to economists, the reason there are fewer houses on the market is that construction companies are not building houses fast enough to keep up with demand. Builders completed construction of 1.3 million homes in February, nearly 3 percent less than in February 2021, according to government housing data.
Labor shortages, along with rising cost of building materials due to current global supply chain problems, are also slowing construction of new homes, according to senior economist at PNC Financial Services Group, Abbey Omodunbi.
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