The Education Authority (EA) is considering closing a number of special education nurseries, BBC News NI has learned.
The agency is considering this move because it requires increasing the number of elementary school students that some schools can accommodate.
In a statement, a spokesman for EA said it was facing an “extremely challenging situation”.
“The EA is currently reviewing all options,” the statement continued.
The EA has previously warned of a significant shortage of special education places this year.
It says there is a need for 140 more classes in special schools in September 2023 compared to the 2022/23 school year.
The authority is also trying to open about 60 additional special classes for children with special educational needs in mainstream schools.
Places in pre-school and elementary school are particularly in demand.
According to the authority, one reason for the “significant” increase in demand are restrictions on the early support of children during the Covid 19 pandemic.
As a result, there are many children with special educational needs whose school places have not yet been confirmed for September.
Demand for places in special schools has increased significantly in recent years, and is expected to reach around 7,000 students in 2022–2023.
In 2017 there were around 5,400 students.
According to EA’s Strategic Plan for Special Education, around 25 of Northern Ireland’s 39 special schools accept ‘spring pupils’ aged three and over.
The preschool or kindergarten is aimed at young students aged three to four years.
EA’s strategic plan for special education through 2027 set a goal to increase “the number of students who have access to pre-school services in special schools.”
But the authority is now considering reducing the number of kindergartens and preschools in some special schools.
It’s not yet clear how many schools will face the loss of nursery services this year, but BBC News NI believes schools in the Belfast area are the most likely to be affected.
However, the plan could prove controversial.
A teacher who contacted BBC News NI said parents of pupils with complex needs would be devastated if the move went through.
Another said the plan was drawn up without consulting parents or schools.
A special needs school in Omagh recently warned it may have to cut back on children’s classes due to demand for places.
But Arvalee School principal Jonathan Gray said the school had asked EA for additional staff so it could continue to offer “full-time classes” to the children.
- Special needs students “in limbo over places”
- “I don’t know how the reduction in working hours will affect the kindergarten”
- The shortage of NI special education places is ‘appalling’
Mr. Gray also chairs the Special Educational Needs Committee of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT).
He called EA’s plans “a disgrace”.
“The children my colleagues and I are raising deserve the best possible start to school,” he told BBC News NI.
“Weeks have passed and the only solution for our most vulnerable children, who have no place in school, is to refuse other vulnerable children.”
“We as a union cannot believe it.
“We have the feeling for everyone involved that the children have been systematically abandoned.”
“And we as a country should be ashamed. Where is Stormont? Where is the ministry?
In a statement to BBC News NI, the EA said there had been an increase of over 25% in pupils with special educational needs requiring a place in special schools and special classes in mainstream schools compared to June last year.
“The growth in demand is most evident in the elementary and pre-school classes,” the statement continued.
“The EA is currently evaluating all options to ensure that children of legal school age receive a place in school and that preschool children whose parents wish to attend a preschool institution have an appropriate school place where they can be happy, learn and thrive.”
“We recognize that this is an extremely anxious time for parents and children awaiting confirmation of a school place.
“EA will continue to work hard with parents, carers and school administrators to ensure all students are accommodated appropriately.”
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