Home » Trends » NCAA | The naughty Lia Thomas becomes the first transgender woman to win a championship

NCAA | The naughty Lia Thomas becomes the first transgender woman to win a championship

(Atlanta) Lia Thomas praised the 100-year-old final stages of the 500-style freestyle trial on Thursday, marking the first transgender woman to be awarded a NCAA Championship title.

Published at 7.20pm

Charles Odum
Associated Press

Thomas, of the University of Pennsylvania, started the competition as favorite. She managed her best course of the season with a time of 4 minutes 33.24 seconds.

“I did not really want to wait,” said Thomas. I was just happy to be here and offer the best performance that I am capable of. »

Emma Weyant, of the University of Virginia, dropped the silver medal at a time of 4: 34.99.

Thomas will also be the favorite during the 200m freestyle, Friday.

Thomas competed in the construction of the masculine side. She has been abiding by NCAA and Ivy League rules since she started her sex change in 2019.

The inclusion of transgender athletes has created the discord in sport. There was a dispatcher of contestants on the exterior of the Georgia Tech aquatic complex to protest. Verschidde Spectateuren dans les estrades on également brandi des pancartes sur lesquelles op pouvait lire «sauvez le sport féminin».

“I try to ignore everything as much as possible,” Thomas explained. I’m trying to concentrate on the nation alone … and block all the rest. »